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Retirement Facts: A Few Things You Should Know

3 out of 4 Americans do not know how much to save for retirement.

You may not be saving enough.

One-quarter of workers over 45 plan to postpone retirement.

You need to consider when you will retire.

Lifetime medical costs are the single biggest retiree expense.

You need to plan for your continued health.

The average American has 38% more debt than retirement assets.

Your long-term plan needs to be comprehensive.

Baby boomers (born 1946-1964) are saving about one-third as much as they will need to maintain their living standards in retirement.

You need accurate estimates of your retirement savings requirements.

On average, women live longer than men but receive less Social Security (usually due to lower career earnings.)

Women and couples need to pay extra attention to retirement planning.

73% percent of Americans approaching retirement want to increase their efforts.

You need a retirement planner who will help you to achieve your goals.