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The posturized center of the Serta PerfectSleeper combines support and comfort to ensure restful sleep. The Triple Beam foundation system, in every Serta mattress, offers unrivaled durability and strength.

Call 1-800-M-A-T-T-R-E-S 24 hours a day for great savings on Serta Perfectsleeper, Sealy Posturpedic, Simmons Beautyrest, and King Koil Posturbond mattresses -- you never need to wait for a sale!

Only Dial-a-Mattress has expert bedding consultants whose only job is to help you select the perfect brand name mattress for your needs. Only Dial-a-Mattress will deliver and set up your new mattress--and take away your old one on the day and time YOU CHOOSE--AS SOON AS TWO HOURS FROM YOUR CALL!

Dial-a-Mattress gives you a 30 day in-home comfort trial so you can test your new mattress in the only meaningful way--BY SLEEPING ON IT AT HOME! If you’re not perfectly satisfied, Dial-a-Mattress will exchange your mattress for a new one--and pick up the old one when they deliver your replacement! Just try and get that kind of service from a store! With a customer satisfaction rate of over 99%--THAT’S RIGHT--99%--Dial-a-Mattress leads the industry.

Don’t be fooled by copycats and wannabees! The only way to reach the real, original Dial-a-Mattress is to call 1-800-M-A-T-T-R-E-S!