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AgencyPortal 5.0: Dev Zone Style Guide

Suffering Succotash

Debugging to see why the letter "s" isn't printing correctly from this CSS. Uppercase "S" and lowercase "s" print fine from Chrome, but horribly from every other browser.


Welcome to Agencyport's online documentation, also known as the Developer Zone, for AgencyPortal 5. The topics in this documentation set are organized by the following sections:





Best Practice



The following is an example of such a properties file:

################################################################################ #

# Properties specific to localization. ################################################################################

Framework Details


Tech Stack

Browser Support

3rd Party Software and Licenses



Developer Setup

Installing Maven

Release Distribution

Setting Up Your Portal 5 Project

Alternate Steps: Consuming the Archetype from an FTP Site

Importing the Project into Eclipse

Installing LOB Templates

Installation Integration Kit Assets

Retrieving the Remaining Artifacts from Nexus

Deploying Project Locally via Maven

Setting Up Local Configuration

Setting Up a Tomcat Server

Running the App

Appendix A

Working with SDK Web Artifacts

Appendix B

Downloading All Dependencies to a Local Location (to Support ANT)

Using the Dependencies to Build a WAR with ANT

Environment Setup

WebSphere 8.5


Class Loader Settings


Search and Filter Setup


Using SolrManager

Solr Batch Indexing

Implementing a Solr Batch Indexer

Accessing Batch Indexers

Solr Security

Token Validity

Token Generation

H2 Example About This Long

H3 Example About This Long

H4 Example About This Long

H5 Example About This Long
H6 Example About This Long

Curabitur porttitor commodo Quisque vestibulum, urna non posuere interdum, augue tortor tempus eros, ut viverra magna lacus fermentum leo. Duis consequat volutpat enim. Donec semper elementum massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque turpis. Morbi vel massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse euismod urna eget ipsum. Nunc vel felis at metus pulvinar porttitor. Donec tristique facilisis sapien. Donec dictum ante et leo. Pellentesque vitae nisi sed pede feugiat pretium. In ultricies, diam vitae dignissim gravida, enim arcu ultrices libero, non pretium arcu quam auctor urna. Praesent bibendum. Maecenas placerat.

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam Quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Triple-Embedded Ordered List

  1. Vestibulum convallis faucibus
  2. Quisque ultrices vulputate odio Nunc tincidunt est dictum lacus. Maecenas vitae ligula
  3. Nam faucibus quam at elit Phasellus vestibulum nisi a orci. Pellentesque sed mi Quisque congue dictum leo. Donec sed nunc
  4. Nunc vel felis at metus pulvinar porttitor. Donec tristique facilisis sapien. Donec dictum ante et leo. Pellentesque vitae nisi sed pede feugiat pretium. In ultricies, diam vitae dignissim gravida:
    1. Refers to the previous ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLContants.VIEW_PREVIOUS_DOCUMENT
    2. Standard ACORD models the aggregate CommlPropertyInfo under the PropertyInfo parent and ties that information to the CommlSubLocation using reference ID attribution:
      1. APDataCollection View Identifier
      2. Persisted to XMLSTORE Table
      3. Refers to the original Simplified ACORD XML XML document. Available on work items whose starting image came from an external
      4. Refers to the previous Simplified ACORD XML XML document or the current document's previous commit point

Triple-Embedded Unordered List

Jamie Example of Combo Ordered and Unordered Lists

  1. Select a Behaviors folder in the navigation window.
  2. Click the Add Hotfield action in the editor. A pop-up window displays with some required data entry fields.
  3. Find the field you want by selecting the Transaction, Page, Section and Field.
  4. Click the List Fields to Refresh tab if you want other fields to refresh based on the hotfield selection.
    1. Click Add Fields to Refresh to find the fields to refresh.
    2. The Selection Hint field determines whether the field that refreshes remains its current value or changes the value. Select one of the following options:
      • Preserve Current User Value - select this option if the field should retain the value entered by the user, regardless of whether the hotfield value is modified (default).
      • Use Current Derived Value - select this option if the field should retain its value derived by rules or behaviors, regardless of whether the hotfield value is modified.
      • Use Default Value - select this option if the field should revert back to its default value when the hotfield value is changed.
      • No Refresh - select this option if the field should not refresh.

Crazy Combo Ordered and Unordered Lists

  1. Vestibulum convallis faucibus
  2. Quisque ultrices vulputate odio Nunc tincidunt est dictum lacus. Maecenas vitae ligula
  3. Nam faucibus quam at elit Phasellus vestibulum nisi a orci. Pellentesque sed mi Quisque congue dictum leo. Donec sed nunc
  4. Nunc vel felis at metus pulvinar porttitor. Donec tristique facilisis sapien. Donec dictum ante et leo. Pellentesque vitae nisi sed pede feugiat pretium. In ultricies, diam vitae dignissim gravida:
    • Refers to the previous ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLContants.VIEW_PREVIOUS_DOCUMENT
    • Standard ACORD models the aggregate CommlPropertyInfo under the PropertyInfo parent and ties that information to the CommlSubLocation using reference ID attribution:
      • APDataCollection View Identifier
      • Persisted to XMLSTORE Table
      • Refers to the original Simplified ACORD XML XML document. Available on work items whose starting image came from an external
      • Refers to the previous Simplified ACORD XML XML document or the current document's previous commit point
        1. Vestibulum convallis faucibus
        2. Quisque ultrices vulputate odio Nunc tincidunt est dictum lacus. Maecenas vitae ligula
        3. Nam faucibus quam at elit Phasellus vestibulum nisi a orci. Pellentesque sed mi Quisque congue dictum leo. Donec sed nunc
        4. Nunc vel felis at metus pulvinar porttitor. Donec tristique facilisis sapien. Donec dictum ante et leo. Pellentesque vitae nisi sed pede feugiat pretium. In ultricies, diam vitae dignissim gravida:
          1. Refers to the previous ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLContants.VIEW_PREVIOUS_DOCUMENT
          2. Standard ACORD models the aggregate CommlPropertyInfo under the PropertyInfo parent and ties that information to the CommlSubLocation using reference ID attribution:
            • APDataCollection View Identifier
            • Persisted to XMLSTORE Table
            • Refers to the original Simplified ACORD XML XML document. Available on work items whose starting image came from an external
            • Refers to the previous Simplified ACORD XML XML document or the current document's previous commit point
Definition List A, Item One
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit
Nunc vel felis at metus pulvinar porttitor. Donec tristique facilisis sapien. Donec dictum ante et leo. Pellentesque vitae nisi sed pede feugiat pretium. In ultricies, diam vitae dignissim gravida.
Refers to the previous ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLContants.VIEW_PREVIOUS_DOCUMENT
Standard ACORD models the aggregate CommlPropertyInfo under the PropertyInfo parent and ties that information to the CommlSubLocation using reference ID attribution.
Definition List A, Item Two
Quisque ultrices vulputate odio Nunc tincidunt est dictum lacus. Maecenas vitae ligula
Nam faucibus quam at elit Phasellus vestibulum nisi a orci. Pellentesque sed mi Quisque congue dictum leo. Donec sed nunc.
APDataCollection View Identifier Description Persisted to XMLSTORE Table
IXMLConstants.VIEW_CURRENT_DOCUMENT Refers to the current Simplified ACORD XML XML document. Yes
IXMLConstants.VIEW_ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT Refers to the original Simplified ACORD XML XML document. Available on work items whose starting image came from an external source. Yes
IXMLConstants.VIEW_MERGED_DOCUMENT Refers to the previous Simplified ACORD XML XML document or the current document's previous commit point. No
IXMLConstants.VIEW_MERGED_DOCUMENT Refers to the Simplified ACORD XML document based on the comparison of two other view types. No
IXMLConstants.VIEW_CURRENT_ACORD_DOCUMENT Refers to the current ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLConstants.VIEW_CURRENT_DOCUMENT No
IXMLConstants.VIEW_ORIGINAL_ACORD_DOCUMENT Refers to the original ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLConstants.VIEW_ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT. No
IXMLConstants.VIEW_PREVIOUS_ACORD_DOCUMENT Refers to the previous ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLContants.VIEW_PREVIOUS_DOCUMENT. No
IXMLConstants.VIEW_MERGED_ACORD_DOCUMENT Refers to the merged ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLConstants.VIEW_MERGED_DOCUMENT. No


Standard ACORD models the aggregate CommlPropertyInfo under the PropertyInfo parent and ties that information to the CommlSubLocation using reference ID attribution. This simplified technique "allows" an aggregate, such as CommlPropertyInfo to become a child of the CommlSubLocation aggregate.


It is important to note that these transfer resource types are not visible in the toolkit product menu.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam egestas eros sed neque. Proin faucibus euismod arcu. Nulla dignissim elementum nisl. Etiam nec erat. Maecenas eget magna sit amet ante lobortis ultrices.

H2 Example

H3 Example About This Long

Morbi in metus. Vestibulum in ipsum nec ante elementum auctor. Praesent nisi. Donec lobortis eros eu metus. Quisque condimentum. Pellentesque diam quam, faucibus ut, malesuada vel, gravida sit amet, lacus. Fusce ullamcorper enim a nunc. Nullam justo. Mauris purus magna, dignissim et, condimentum dictum, varius nec, quam. Nullam accumsan nisl sed ipsum facilisis viverra.

Maecenas ultrices sagittis arcu. Sed arcu libero, vestibulum eget, sagittis vitae, rutrum in, libero. Nullam non dolor. Fusce volutpat, dolor non varius commodo, risus ligula egestas ante, non pretium quam justo.

Definition List B, Item One
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit
Refers to the previous ACORD compliant XML document. Derived by applying transformation against the document @ IXMLContants.VIEW_PREVIOUS_DOCUMENT
Standard ACORD models the aggregate CommlPropertyInfo under the PropertyInfo parent and ties that information to the CommlSubLocation using reference ID attribution.

H4 Example About This Long

Maecenas egestas. Nulla vel magna vel dui imperdiet tincidunt. Suspendisse egestas. Duis vitae metus. Quisque mauris nulla, dapibus sed, tempor vitae, commodo vel, nunc. Pellentesque nibh nunc, tincidunt quis, placerat id, elementum eu, leo. Nam ac dui. Aenean sed urna. Mauris quis lorem. Nunc in orci semper ligula hendrerit lobortis. Nulla ornare. Proin gravida dui vel tortor. Pellentesque egestas. Suspendisse potenti. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Vestibulum interdum viverra magna. Vivamus mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus ultricies. Sed sollicitudin massa egestas velit. Ut rhoncus tincidunt magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque consectetuer libero ut metus. Curabitur ac orci id metus venenatis lobortis. Phasellus non massa. Ut nisl velit, volutpat vitae, porta quis, congue eget, nulla.
